Making memories one day at a time
SO, after experiencing Paisley and all her glory we naturally wanted to have another baby!  Not to mention we both have siblings and wanted that for her as well; however, our "conceiving issues"  always weighed heavy on our hearts.  We decided to just go for it and thats what we did.  We were nervous and scared (of course) BUT I think we both were definitely more confident this go around since we had such success with Paisley.   It was ALOT easier this time since all the "foundation" work had been done.  The hardest part was waiting but as soon as we got the go ahead, we were like WHAT? SO SOON?  hehehe, and off we went!!
My CRAZY husband.....i know yall feel sorry for me, LOL!  Gotta love him, he def keeps things lively!!

Praying for a positive outcome!!

Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus!!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013


