Making memories one day at a time
SO, we got pregnant and we were ecstatic!!!  This pregnancy was much harder than Paisley's.  Im assuming its because i had her to take care of, still working full time, taking care of the house and probably cause he was a boy, hehehe!!  We did a "gender reveal"cake to find out what he was.  It was so exciting and I actually was shocked to find out it was a boy and still a little unsure!  
The closer we got to the end of the pregnancy i just "knew" that he would be early (like days or maybe 1 week or so) but never dreamed that he would be THREE weeks early.  We were not ready, to say the least.  Good thing i at least got the carseat and bassinet ready.  My water broke around 4:45am on Friday, Feb 8, 2013.  This was a whole new experience for me since i was induced with Paisley.  Things happened SO unbelievably fast.......water broke at home at 4:45am and he was born at 10:14 am at the hospital...what a whirl wind.  I honestly believe Gene and i were still in disbelief that this sweet little bundle of joy was actually here and in our arms!!!

Seeing this beautiful gift for the 1st time!!! Unreal!!

Gene has a son!!

As happy as I was, it was still bittersweet...just as it was with Paisley.  Being pregnant and giving birth to your children without your mother (the one that gave birth to you) is unbelievably, unexplainable difficult!  I thought maybe, just maybe it would be a little easier this time since i had already done it, BUT I WAS WRONG.  it is quite painful emotionally.........daughters get closer to their moms when they are pregnant.  You naturally WANT your mom and NEED her to help you through such a miraculous experience and considering that I was already SUPER DUPER CLOSE with my mom (she was the air that i breathed) it just became that much harder.  You almost feel guilty for feeling pain at such a joyous time but the heart feels what it feels! It pains me so much to know that my children will never know her love the way they deserve, nor be able to have their face painted by her or chase bubbles with her or feel the radiance from her smile.  I want my mom to see them in all their glory and enjoy them the way i do.  <sigh> I know that one day she will and that day will be glorious.  I know she is with me and them in our hearts, its just hard here on earth without her.  I thank God for the strength he gives me to carry on and to hopefully be the kind of mom she was!!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013


