Making memories one day at a time
I really try to "MAKE MEMORIES" (as i was taught y my mother) everyday BUT ESPCIALLY on the holidays. I try to do all of the traditional activities........not sure who enjoys them more, me, her or daddy!! Every year Paisley is interacting and learning more so she is really "hands on" with everything we do now!!

I love the Holidays even more now that I am a mom.  It is pure joy watching the excitement on your child's face to experience and learn all about each one! And this year I was Blessed to share it with 2 babies...even though my little man is too small to know what is going on, it didn't make it any less special!
We have done the church Easter egg hunt at Nana's church every year since we moved to Va but this year was definitely the best thus far.  She was Really into it and loves candy even more now! Baby Maddox was a trooper and slept on mommy's chest in his "wrap".

A lot of small children are terrified of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny......Not mine! In fact, she cries when she has to say goodbye when I physically remove her from his lap, lol.  Definitely something I want to remember from her childhood.  I went back and forth about whether or not to include Maddox in the Easter bunny visit but i gave in and went with it.  Uncle Joe Joe thought I was crazy but it was only for a few seconds and it was fine.  He is a little hard to see but at least both my kids are in the picture!  I love it!

Easter morning is so much fun!  The excitement of getting her Easter basket as well as the hustle&bustle of trying to get into our Sunday best and get to church on time!  I love these times and i wish they would last forever.   Getting "Easter Pics" this year was ALOT harder than ever boy was hungry, and she just wasn't really having it, needless to say we didn't get any good ones But i think Nana may have captured 1 or 2, thank goodness!!

I think when Maddox gets a little older the basket size difference may become an issue, lol!
BUT my Most favorite part of the day was seeing Paisley participate in the children's message at church as wells as being mesmerized with the play and soaking all of the information about Jesus up like a little sponge, nothing warms my heart more than seeing my child's love for Jesus grow!

So this picture doesnt quite capture what I am talking about but her little cousin Lani is with her on stage so the pics were a little deceiving of the adorable dynamic duo!!
